List of Accepted and Published Peer Reviewed Publications


  1. Bottom-up perspective – The role of roots and rhizosphere in climate change adaptation and mitigation in agroecosystems T. George, D. Bulgarelli, A. Carminati, Y. Chen, D.L. Jones, Y. Kuzyakov, A. Schnepf, M. Wissuwa, T. Roose Plant and Soil, accepted 13/03/2024
  2. Microdialysis probes and digital twins reveal the rapid removal of fertiliser phosphate from the soil solution with an impact on crop nutrition in the short-term C. Petroselli, K. A. Williams, S. A. Ruiz, D. McKay Fletcher, M.J. Coope, T. Roose Soil Biology and Biochemistry, accepted 26/03/2024
  3. Droplet microfluidic-based in situ analyser for monitoring free nitrate in soil B. Lu, J. Lunn, K. Yeung, S. Dhandapani, L Carter, T. Roose, L. Shaw, A. Nightingale, X. Niu Environmental Science and Technology,
  4. 2023

  5. A Mathematical Model of Biofilm Growth and Spread within Plant Xylem: Case Study of Xylella fastidiosa in Olive Tree N.C. Walker, S.M. White, S.A. Ruiz, D. McKay Fletcher, T. Roose, Journal of Theoretical Biology, accepted 08/11/2023
  6. Emerging Sensing, Imaging, and Computational Technologies to Scale Nano- to Macroscale Rhizosphere Dynamics – Review and Research Perspectives A.H. Ahkami, O. Qafoku, T. Roose, Q. Mou, Y. Lu, Z.G. Cardon, Y. Wu, C. Chou, J.B. Fisher, T. Varga, P. Handakumbura, J.A. Aufrecht, A. Bhattacharjee, J.J. Moran Soil Biology & Biochemistry, accepted 20/11/2023
  7. A High-Throughput Analysis of High-Resolution X-ray CT Images of Stems of Olive and Citrus Plants Resistant and Susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa N.C. Walker, S.A. Ruiz, T.R. Ferreira, H.D. Coletta-Filho, J. Le Houx, D. McKay Fletcher, S.M. White, T. Roose Plant Pathology, accepted 06/11/2023
  8. Statistical Effective Diffusivity Estimation in Porous Media Using Integrated On-Site Imaging Workflow for Synchrotron Users J. Le Houx, S.A. Ruiz, D. McKay Fletcher, S. Ahmed, T. Roose Transport in Porous Media, Accepted 03/07/2023
  9. 2022

  10. The impact of xylem geometry on olive cultivar resistance to Xylella fastidiosa: An image-based study N.C. Walker, S.M. White, D. McKay Fletcher, S.A. Ruiz, K.E. Rankin, A. De Stradis, M. Saponari, K.A. Williams, C. Petroselli, T. Roose Plant Pathology, accepted Oct 2022
  11. Integrating X-ray CT Data Into Models, Chapter in the book titled “X-Ray Imaging of the Soil Porous Architecture” (editors: Mooney, Young, Heck, Peth) X. Portell, V. Pot, A. Ebrahimi, O. Mongo, T. Roose Springer Nature, ISBN 978-031-12175-3 (2022)
  12. A 3D image-based modelling approach for understanding spatiotemporal processes in phosphorus fertiliser dissolution, soil buffering and uptake by plant roots K. A. Williams, D. McKay Fletcher, C. Petroselli, S. A. Ruiz, T. Roose Nature Scientific Reports, accepted 23/08/2022
  13. Impact of root hairs on microscale soil physical properties in the field M. Marin, P.D. Hallett, D.S. Feeney, L.K. Brown, M. Naveed, N. Koebernick, S. Ruiz, A.G. Bengough, T. Roose, T.S. George Plant and Soil, accepted 31/05/2022
  14. Projected increases in precipitation are expected to reduce nitrogen use efficiency and alter optimal fertilisation timings in agriculture in the South East of England D. McKay Fletcher , S.A. Ruiz, K. Williams, C. Petroselli, N. Walker, D. Chadwick, D.L. Jones, T. Roose ACS Environmental Science and Technology Engineering, accepted 26/05/2022.
  15. Multimodal correlative imaging and modelling of phosphorus uptake from soil by hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi S.D. Keyes, A. Van Veelen, D. Mckay Fletcher, C. Scotson, N. Koebernick, C. Petroselli, K. Williams, S.A. Ruiz, L. Cooper, R.B. Mayon, S.J. Duncan, M. Dumont, I. Jakobsen, G. Oldroyd, A. Tkacz, P. Poole, F. Mosselmans, C. Borca, T. Huthwelker, D.L. Jones, T. Roose New Phytologist, accepted 04/01/2022 DOI: 10.1111/(ISSN)1469-8137
  16. 2021

  17. Modelling of stress transfer in root reinforced soils informed by 4D X-ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation data Bull, D., Smethurst, J., Meijer, G., Sinclair, I., Pierron, F., Roose, T., Powrie, W., Bengough, G. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. RSPA-2021-0210. Accepted 30/11/2021
  18. Physical characterisation of chia mucilage polymeric gel and its implications on rhizosphere science – integrating imaging, MRI , and modelling to gain insights into plant and microbial amended soils K. Williams, S.A. Ruiz, C. Petroselli, N. Walker, D. McKay Fletcher, G. Pileio, T. Roose Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 162, [108404] DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108404
  19. 2020

  20. Developing a system for in vivo imaging of maize roots containing iodinated contrast media in soil using synchrotron XCT and XRF C. Scotson, A. van Veelen, K. Williams, N. Koebernick, D. McKay Fletcher, T. Roose Plant and Soil, accepted 25/11/2020 Doi:10.1007/s11104-020-04784-x
  21. Precipitation-optimised targeting of nitrogen fertilisers in a model maize cropping system D. McKay Fletcher, S.A. Ruiz, T. Dias, D. Chadwick, D.L. Jones, T. Roose Science of the Total Environment, accepted 19/11/2020 Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144051
  22. Combining seed dressing and foliar applications of phosphorus fertiliser can give similar crop growth and yield benefits to soil applications together with greater recovery rates D.L. Jones, P.J. Talboys, J.R. Healey, P.J.A. Withers, T. Roose, A.C. Edwards, P.S. Pavinato Frontiers in Agronomy, section Plant-Soil Interactions, accepted 18/11/2020 Doi: 10.3389/fagro.2020.605655
  23. Significance of root hairs for plant performance under contrasting field conditions M. Marin, D.S. Feeney, L.K. Brown, M. Naveed, S.A. Ruiz, N. Koebernick, A.G. Bengough, P.D. Hallett, T. Roose, J. Púertolas,Name I.C. Dodd, T.S. George Annals of Botany, Accepted 25/08/2020 Doi:10.1093/aob/mcaa181
  24. Space and Time-Resolved Monitoring of Phosphorus Release from a Fertilizer Pellet and its Mobility in Soil Using Microdialysis and X-ray Computed Tomography C. Petroselli, K.A. Williams, A. Ghosh, D. McKay Fletcher, S.A. Ruiz, T. Gerheim Souza Dias, C.P. Scotson, T. Roose Soil Science Society of America Journal, Accepted 01/09/2020 Doi:10.1002/saj2.20161
  25. Mathematical and computational modelling of vegetated soil incorporating hydraulically-driven finite strain deformation Computers and Geotechnics N.D. Woodman, J.A. Smethurst, T. Roose, W. Powrie, G.J. Meijer, J.A. Knappett, T. Dias Computers and Geotechnics, accepted 09/07/2020 Doi: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103754
  26. Review of plant-soil modelling: root growth, nutrient and water transport/uptake, and mechanics S.A. Ruiz, D. McKay Fletcher, K. Williams, T. Roose Annual Plant Reviews, accepted 11/06/2020
  27. X-ray computed tomography imaging of solute movement through ridged and flat plant systems S.P. Scotson, S.J. Duncan, K.A. Williams, S.A. Ruiz, T. Roose European Journal of Soil Science, 72(1):198-214, 2021 Doi:10.1111/ejss.12985
  28. Mechanisms of root-reinforcement in soils: an experimental methodology using 4D X-ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation D.J. Bull, J.A. Smethurst, I. Sinclair, F. Pierron, T. Roose, W. Powrie, A.G. Bengough Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 476:2237, 2020 Doi:10.1098/rspa.2019.0838
  29. Image-based model quantification of soil microbial dead zones induced by nitrogen fertilization S. Ruiz, D. McKay Fletcher, A. Boghi, K. Williams, S. Duncan, C. Scotson, C. Petroselli, T. Dias, D.R. Chadwick, D.L. Jones, T. Roose Science of the Total Environment, 727:138198, 2020 Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138197
  30. Linking root structure to functionality: The impact of root system architecture on citrate enhanced phosphate uptake D. McKay Fletcher, S. Ruiz, T. Gerheim Souza Dias , C. Petroselli, T. Roose New Phytologist, 227(2):376-381, 2020 Doi:10.1111/nph.16554
  31. A Four-Compartment Multiscale Model of Fluid and Drug Distribution in Vascular Tumours R.J. Shipley, P.W. Sweeney, S.J. Chapman, T. Roose International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 36(3):e3315, 2020 Doi:
  32. 2019

  33. Quantifying citrate-enhanced phosphate root uptake using microdialysis D.M. McKay Fletcher, R. Shaw, A.R. Sánchez-Rodríguez, K.R. Daly, A. van Veelen, D.L. Jones, T. Roose Plant and Soil, published online 05/12/2019 Doi:10.1007/s11104-019-04376-4
  34. Root induced soil deformation influences Fe and S but not P: rhizosphere chemistry investigated using synchrotron XRF and XAS A.van Veelen, N. Koebernick, C.P. Scotson, D. McKay Fletcher, T. Huthwelker, C. Borca, F. Mosselmans, T. Roose New Phytologist, 225:1476-1490, 2020 Doi:10.1111/nph.16242
  35. Significance of root hairs at the field scale – Modelling root water and phosphorus uptake under different field conditions S. Ruiz, N. Koebernick, S.J. Duncan, D. McKay Fletcher, C.P. Scotson, A. Boghi, M. Marin, A.G. Bengough, T.S. George, L.K. Brown, P.D. Hallett, T. Roose Plant and Soil, 447:281-304, 2020 Doi: 10.1007/s11104-019-04308-2
  36. Stabilising Gold Nanoparticles for use in X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging of Soil Systems C.P. Scotson, M. Munoz-Hernando, S.J. Duncan, S.A. Ruiz, S.D. Keyes, A. van Veelen, I.E. Dunlop, T. Roose Royal Society Open Science, 6(10), 2019 Doi: 10.1098/rsos.190769
  37. Multiple Scale Homogenisation of Nutrient Movement and Crop Growth in Partially Saturated Soil S.J. Duncan, K.R. Daly, D.M. McKay Fletcher, S. Ruiz, P. Sweeney, T. Roose Bulletin for Mathematical Biology, 81(10):3778-3802, 2019 Doi: 10.1007/s11538-019-00656-3
  38. Soil carbon dioxide venting through rice roots GJ.D. Kirk, A. Boghi, M-C. Affholder, S.D. Keyes, J. Heppell, T. Roose Plant, Cell and Environment, 42(12):3197-3207, 2019 Doi: 10.1111/pce.13638
  39. A multi image-based approach for modelling plant-fertiliser interaction D.M. McKay Fletcher, S.D. Keyes, K.R. Daly, A. van Veelen, T. Roose Rhizosphere, (10):100152, 2019 Doi: 10.1016/j.rhisph.2019.100152
  40. Correlative 3D Imaging and Microfluidic Modelling of Human Pulmonary Lymphatics using Immunohistochemistry and High-resolution μCt S.K. Robinson, J.J. Ramsden, J. Warner, P.M. Lackie, T. Roose Scientific Reports, 6415, 2019 Doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42794-7
  41. Uranium diffusion and time-dependent adsorption-desorption in soil: a model and experimental testing of the model Darmovzalova, J., A. Boghi, W. Otten, L.J. Eades, T. Roose, G.J.D. Kirk European Journal of Soil Science, 71(2):215-225, 2020 Doi: 10.1111/ejss.12814
  42. Surface tension, rheology and hydrophobicity of rhizodeposits and seed mucilage influence soil water retention and hysteresis M. Naveed, M. Ahmed, P. Benard, L.K. Brown, T.S. George, A.G. Bengough, T. Roose, N. Koebernick, P. Hallett Plant and Soil, 437:65, 2019 Doi: 10.1007/s11104-019-03939-9
  43. 2018

  44. Can VEGFC Form Turing Patterns in the Zebrafish Embryo? K.Y. Wertheim, T. Roose Bulletin for Mathematical Biology, 81:1201-1237, 2019 Doi: 10.1007/s11538-018-00560-2
  45. Imaging microstructure of the barley rhizosphere: particle packing and root hair influences N. Koebernick, K.R. Daly, S.D. Keyes, A. Bengough, L. Brown, L.J. Cooper, T. George, P.D. Hallett, M. Naveed, A. Raffan, T. Roose New Phytologist, 221:1878-1889, 2019 Doi: 10.1111/nph.15516
  46. The effect of root exudates on rhizosphere water dynamics L. J. Cooper, K.R. Daly, P.D. Hallett, N. Koebernick, T.S. George, T. Roose Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 474(2217), 2018 Doi: 10.1098/rspa.2018.0149
  47. Noninvasive imaging of processes in natural porous media: from pore to field scale A. Pohlmeier, S. Garré, T. Roose Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1), 1-3. 2018 Doi: 10.2136/vzj2018.03.0044
  48. Determination of macro-scale soil properties from pore scale structures - Image based modelling of poroelastNameic structures K.R. Daly, S.D. Keyes, T. Roose Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 474:20170141, 2018 Doi: 10.1098/rspa.2017.0745.
  49. Correlative visualization of root mucilage degradation using X-ray CT and NMRI A.Van Veelen, M. Tourell, N. Koebernick, G. Pileio, T. Roose Frontiers in Environmental Science-Soil Processes, published online May 25th, 2018 Doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00032
  50. Mathematical modelling of water and solute movement in ridged versus flat planting systems S.J. Duncan, K.R. Daly, P. Sweeney, T. Roose European Journal of Soil Science, 69(6):967-979, 2018 Doi: 10.1111/ejss.12711
  51. Using High Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography to Create an Image Based Model of a Lymph Node L.J. Cooper, B. Zeller-Plumhoff, G.F. Clough, B. Ganapathisubramani, T. Roose J. Theor Biology, 449:73-82, 2018. Doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.04.021
  52. A model of uranium uptake by plant roots allowing for root-induced changes in the soil A.Boghi, T. Roose, G.J.D. Kirk Environmental Science and Technology, 52:3536−3545, 2018. Doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b06136
  53. Rhizosphere-scale quantification of hydraulic and mechanical properties of soil impacted by root and seed exudates M. Naveed, L.K. Brown, A.C. Raffan, T.S. George, A.G. Bengough, T. Roose, I. Sinclair, N. Koebernick, L. Cooper, and P.D. Hallett Vadoze Zone Journal, 17:170083, 2018. Doi: 10.2136/vzj2017.04.0083
  54. 2017

  55. Determination of macro-scale soil properties from pore scale structures - Model derivation K.R. Daly, T. Roose Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 474: 20170141, 2018. Doi: 10.1098/rspa.2017.0141
  56. Soft tissue 3D imaging in the lab through optimised propagation-based phase contrast computed tomography B. Zeller-Plumhoff, J.L. Mead, D. Tan, T. Roose, G.F. Clough, R.P. Boardman, P. Schneider Optics Express, 25(26):33451-33468, 2017. Doi: 10.1364/OE.25.033451
  57. Fluid flow in porous media using image based modeling to parametrise Richards’ equation L.J. Cooper, K.R. Daly, P.D. Hallett, M. Naveed, N. Koebernick, A.G. Bengough, T.S. George, T. Roose Proceedings of The Royal Society A, 473(2207): 20170178, 2017. Doi: 10.1098/rspa.2017.0178
  58. Modelling water dynamics in the rhizosphere K.R. Daly, L.J. Cooper, N. Koebernick, J. Evaristo, S.D. Keyes, A. van Veelen, T. Roose Rhizosphere, 4:139-151, 2017. Doi: 10.1016/j.rhisph.2017.10.004
  59. Mathematical Modelling of Water and Solute Movement in Ridged Plant Systems with Dynamic Ponding S.J. Duncan, K.R. Daly, P. Sweeney, and T. Roose European Journal of Soil Science, 69(2):265-278, 2018. Doi: 10.1111/ejss.12503
  60. Plant exudates may stabilize or weaken soil depending on species, origin and time M. Naveed, L.K. Brown, A.C. Raffan, T.S. George, A.G. Bengough, T. Roose, I. Sinclair, N. Koebernick, L.J. Cooper, C.A. Hackett, P.D. Hallett European Journal of Soil Science, 68(6):806-816, 2017 Doi: 10.1111/ejss.12487
  61. Investigation of microvascular morphological measures for skeletal muscle tissue oxygenation by image-based modelling in 3D B. Zeller-Plumhoff, K.R. Daly, G.F. Clough, P. Schneider, T. Roose Royal Society Interface, 14(135): 20170635, 2017 Doi: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0635
  62. An explicit structural model of micro-scale root-hair and rhizosphere interactions parameterized by synchrotron X-ray computed tomography S.D. Keyes, I. Sinclair, T. Roose Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 79(12): 2785–2813, 2017 Doi: 10.1007/s11538-017-0350-x
  63. Measurement of micro-scale soil deformation around roots using 4D synchrotron tomography and image correlation S.D. Keyes, L.J. Cooper, S. Duncan, N. Koebernick, D.M. McKay Fletcher, C.P. Scotson, A.V. van Veelen, I. Sinclair, T. Roose Royal Society Interface, 14(136): 20170560, 2017. Doi: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0560
  64. High-resolution synchrotron imaging shows that root hairs influence rhizosphere soil structure formation N. Koebernick, K.R. Daly, S.D. Keyes, T.S. George, L.K. Brown, A. Raffan, L.J. Cooper, M. Naveed, A.G. Bengough, I. Sinclair, P.D. Hallett, T. Roose New Phytologist, 216(1):124-135, 2017. Doi: 10.1111/nph.14705
  65. Quantification of root water uptake in soil using X-ray computed tomography and image-based modeling K.R. Daly, S.R. Tracy, N.M.J. Crout, S. Mairhofer, T.P. Pridmore, S.J. Mooney, T.Roose Plant, Cell and Environment, 41(1):121-133, 2018. Doi: 10.1111/pce.12983
  66. Phase contrast synchrotron radiation computed tomography of muscle spindles in the mouse soleus muscle B. Zeller-Plumhoff, T. Roose, O.L. Katsamenis, M.N. Mavrogordato, C. Torrens, P. Schneider, G.F. Clough Journal of Anatomy, 230(6):859-865, 2017. Doi: 10.1111/joa.12606
  67. A mathematical model of lymphangiogenesis in a zebrafish embryo K.Y. Wertheim, T. Roose Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 79(4):693–737, 2017. Doi: 10.1007/s11538-017-0248-7
  68. Image-based modelling of skeletal muscle oxygenation B. Zeller-Plumhoff, G. Cough, P. Schneider, T. Roose Royal Society Interface, 14: 20160992, 2017. Doi:10.1098/rsif.2016.0992
  69. 2016

  70. The application of contrast media for in vivo feature enhancement in X-ray Computed Tomography of soil-grown plant roots S.D. Keyes, N.J. Gostling, J.H. Cheung, T. Roose, I. Sinclair, A. Marchant Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23(3):538-552, 2017. Doi: 10.1017/S1431927617000319P
  71. Measurement of strains experienced by viscerofugal nerve cell bodies during mechanosensitive firing using Digital Image Correlation G. Palmer, T. Hibberd, T. Roose, S. Brookes, M. Taylor American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 311(5):G869-G879, 2016. Doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00397.2015
  72. Mapping soil deformation around plant roots using in vivo 4D X-ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation S.D. Keyes, F. Gillard, N. Soper, M.N. Mavrogordato, I Sinclair, T. Roose Journal of Biomechanics, 49(9):1802-1811, 2016 . Doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.04.023
  73. Modeling soil processes: key challenges and new perspectives H. Vereecken, A. Schnepf, J.W. Hopmans, M. Javaux, D. Or, T. Roose, J. Vanderborght, M.H. Young, W. Amelung, M. Aitkenhead, S.D. Allison, S. Assouline, P. Baveye, M. Berli, N. Brüggemann, P. Finke, M. Flury, T. Gaiser, G. Govers, T. Ghezzehei, P. Hallett, H.J. Hendricks Franssen, J. Heppell, R. Horn, J.A. Huisman, D. Jacques, F. Jonard, S. Kollet, F. Lafolie, K. Lamorski, D. Leitner, A. McBratney, B. Minasny, C. Montzka, W. Nowak, Y. Pachepsky, J. Padarian, N. Romano, K. Roth, Y. Rothfuss, E.C. Rowe, A. Schwen, J. Šimůnek, A. Tiktak, J. Van Dam, S.E.A.T.M. van der Zee, H.J. Vogel, J.A. Vrugt, T. Wöhling, I.M. Young Vadose Zone Journal, 15 (5):vzj2015.09.0131, 2016. Doi: 10.2136/vzj2015.09.0131
  74. Challenges in imaging and predictive modeling of rhizosphere processes Roose, T., Keyes, S., Daly, K., Carminati, A., Otten, W., Vetterlein, D. and Peth, S. Plant and Soil, 407(1–2):9–38, 2016. Doi: 10.1007/s11104-016-2872-7
  75. Use of a coupled soil-root-leaf model to optimise phosphate fertiliser use efficiency in barley J. Heppell, S. Payvandi, P. Talboys, K.C. Zygalakis, D. Langton, R. Sylvester-Bradley, A.C. Edwards, R. Walker, P. Withers, D.L. Jones, T. Roose Plant and Soil, 406(1–2):341–357, 2016. Doi: 10.1007/s11104-016-2883-4
  76. The effect of non-uniform microscale distribution of sorption sites on solute diffusion in soil S.A. Masum, G.J.D. Kirk, K.R. Daly, T. Roose European Journal of Soil Science, 67(4):514-522, 2016. Doi: 10.1111/ejss.12353
  77. An image based model of fluid flow through lymph nodes L.J. Cooper, J. Heppell, G. Clough, Geraldine, B. Ganapathisubramani, T. Roose Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78(1):52–71, 2016. Doi: 10.1007/s11538-015-0128-y
  78. Image based modeling of nutrient movement in and around the rhizosphere K.R. Daly, S.D. Keyes, S. Masum, T. Roose Journal of Experimental Botany, 67(4):1059–1070, 2016. Doi:10.1093/jxb/erv544
  79. 2015

  80. Struvite: a slow-release fertiliser for sustainable phosphorus management P.J. Talboys, J. Heppell, J. Daniel, T. Roose, J. Healey, D.L. Jones, P. Withers Plant and Soil, 401(1–2:109–123, 2016. Doi: 10.1007/s11104-015-2747-3
  81. Modelling the optimal phosphate fertiliser and soil management strategy for crops J. Heppell, S. Payvandi, P. Talboys, K.C. Zygalakis, J. Fliege, Jörg, D. Langdon, R. Sylvester-Bradley, R. Walker, D.L. Jones, T. Roose Plant and Soil, 401(1–2)L135–149, 2016. Doi: 10.1007/s11104-015-2543-0
  82. Homogenization of two fluid flow in porous media K.R. Daly, T. Roose Proceedings of The Royal Society A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471(2176): 20140564, 2015. Doi:10.1098/rspa.2014.0564
  83. A model for interstitial drainage through a sliding lymphatic valve C. Heppell, T. Roose, G. Richardson Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 77(6):1101–1131, 2015. Doi: 10.1007/s11538-015-0078-4
  84. Imaging the interaction of roots and phosphate fertiliser granules using 4D X-ray tomography S. Ahmed, T. Naugler KlassNameen, S.D. Keyes, M. Daly, Michael, D.L. Jones, M.N. Mavrogordato, I. Sinclair, T. Roose Plant and Soil, 401(1):125-134, 2015. Doi:10.1007/s11104-015-2425-5
  85. Three dimensional quantification of soil hydraulic properties using X-ray Computed Tomography and image based modelling S.R. Tracy, K.R. Daly, C.J. Sturrock, N.M.J. Crout, S.J. Mooney, T. Roose Water Resources Research, 51(2):1006-1022, 2015. Doi: 10.1002/2014WR016020
  86. Assessing the influence of the rhizosphere on soil hydraulic properties using X-ray Computed Tomography and numerical modelling K.R. Daly, S. Mooney, M. Bennett, N. Crout, T. Roose, S. Tracey Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(8):2305–2314, 2015. Doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru509
  87. 2014

  88. Mathematical modelling of the phloem: the importance of diffusion on sugar transport at osmotic equilibrium S. Payvandi, K.R. Daly, K.C. Zygalakis, T. Roose Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 76(11):2834–2865, 2014. Doi: 10.1007/s1153
  89. How changing root system architecture can help tackle a reduction in soil phosphate (P) levels for better plant P acquisition, J. Heppell, P Talboys, S Payvandi, KC Zygalakis, J Fliege, P Withers, DL Jones, T Roose Plant Cell & Environment, 38(1): 118-128, 2015. Doi: 10.1111/pce.12376
  90. Validation of a spatial-temporal soil water movement and plant water uptake model. J. Heppell, S. Payvandi, KC Zygalakis, JA Smethurst, J Fliege, T. Roose Geotechnique, 64(7):526-539, 2014. Doi:10.1680/geot./13-P-142
  91. A mathematical model of water and nutrient transport in xylem vessels of a wheat plant. S. Payvandi, K.R. Daly, D.L. Jones, P. Talboys, K.C. Zygalakis, T. Roose Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 76(3)566–596, 2014. Doi:10.1007/s11538-013-9932-4.
  92. 2013

  93. Multiscale modelling of hydraulic conductivity in vuggy porous media K.R. Daly, T. Roose Proceedings of the Royal Society A Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, 470(2162), 1-22, 2014. Doi: 10.1098/rspa.2013.0383
  94. The Study of Asymptotically Fine Wrinkling in Nonlinear ElastNameicity using a Boundary Layer Analysis J. MacLaurin, G.W. Jones, S. J. Chapman, T. Roose Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 61(8):1691-1711, 2013. Doi: 10.1016/j.jmps.2013.04.003
  95. High resolution synchrotron imaging of wheat root hairs growing in soil and image based modelling of phosphate uptake S. D. Keyes, K. R. Daly, N. J. Gostling, D. L. Jones, P. Talboys, B. Pinzer, R. Boardman, I. Sinclair, A. Marchant, T. Roose New Phytologist, 198(4):1023-1029, 2013 Doi: 10.1111/nph.12294
  96. 2012

  97. A model for fluid drainage by the lymphatic system Heppell C., G. Richardson, T. Roose Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75(1):49-81, 2013 Doi: 10.1007/s11538-012-9793-2
  98. A robust approach for determination of the macro-porous volume fraction of soils through use of X-ray Computed Tomography and an image processing protocol Keyes, S., R. Boardman, A. Marchant, T. Roose, I. Sinclair European Journal of Soil Science, 64(3):298-307, 2013. Doi: 10.1111/ejss.12019
  99. The buckling of capillaries in solid tumours J. MacLaurin, S. J. Chapman, G. W. Jones, T. Roose Proceedings of the Royal Society A Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, 468(2148):4123-4145, 2012. Doi: 10.1098/rspa.2012.0418
  100. Multiscale modeling of lymphatic drainage T. Roose, G. Tabor Multiscale Computer Modeling in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering in Springer' series Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials. Volume 14, p. 149-176 Doi: 10.1007/8415_2012_148
  101. 2011

  102. A simple mathematical model for investigating the effect of cluster roots on plant nutrient uptake K. Zygalakis, T. Roose European Physical Journal, 204:103-118, 2012.
  103. Multiscale modeling of lymphatic drainage from tissues using homogenization theory T. Roose, M. A. Swartz Journal of Biomechanics, 45:107-115, 2012. Doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2011.09.015.
  104. Enchanced zinc uptake by rice through phytosiderophore secretion: a modelling study M. Ptashnyk, T. Roose, D. L. Jones, G. J. D. Kirk Plant Cell and Environment, 34(12):2038-2046, 2011.
  105. Fate of organic acid anions in soil: sorption dynamics of citric acid E. Oburger, D. Leitner, D.L. Jones, K. Zygalakis, A. Schnepf, T. Roose European Journal of Soil Science, 62(5):733-742. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2011.01384.x
  106. A dual porosity model of nutrient uptake by root hairs K.C. Zygalakis, G.J.D. Kirk, D.L. Jones, M. Wissuwa, T. Roose New Phytologist, 192(3):676-688, 2011.
  107. Electrophysiological characterization of membrane disruption by nanoparticles M.R.R. de Planque, S. Aghdaei, T. Roose, H. Morgan ACS Nano, 5(5):3599-3606.
  108. 2010

  109. Modelling nutrient uptake by individual hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: temporal and spatial scales for an experimental design A. Schnepf, D. L. Jones, T. Roose Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73(9):2175-2200, 2011. Doi: 10.1007/s11538-010-9617-1.
  110. Traits related to differences in function among three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi C. Thonar, A. Schnepf, E. Fossard, T. Roose, J. Jansa Plant and Soil, 339:231-245, 2011. Doi: 10.1007/s11104-010-0571-3.
  111. Comparison of nutrient uptake between true 3-dimensional simulation and an averaged root system model D. Leitner, A. Schnepf, S. Klepsch, T. Roose Plant Biosystems, 144(2):443-447, 2010.
  112. Derivation of the macroscopic model for transport of strongly sorbed solutes in the soil using homogenization theory M. Ptashnyk, T. Roose SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 70(7): 2097-2118. Published online April 14th, 2010 Doi: 10.1137/080729591.
  113. 2009

  114. A dynamic model of nutrient uptake by root hairs based on homogenization D. Leitner, S. Klepsch, M. Ptashnyk, A. Marchant, G. Kirk , A. Schnepf, T. Roose New Phytologist, 185:792-802, 2010.
  115. Diffusion of strongly-sorbed solutes through soil: a model allowing for slow access to sorption sites and time-dependent sorption reactions M. Ptashnyk, T. Roose, G. J. D. Kirk European Journal of Soil Science, 61(1):108-119, 2010. Published online Dec, 2009. Doi: 10.1111/j/1365-2389.2009.01207.x
  116. Approaches to modelling mineral weathering by fungi A. Rosling, T. Roose, A. M. Herrmann, F. A. Davidson, R. D. Finlay, G. M. Gadd Fungal Biology Reviews, 23:138-144.
  117. A dynamic model of seasonal foliage growth and carbon uptake in trees A. C. Fowler, O. Clary, T. Roose Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 6, 1087-1096, 2009. Doi: 10.1098/rsif.2009.0010
  118. 2008

  119. The solution of convection-diffusion equations for solute transport to plant roots T. Roose, G.J.D. Kirk Plant and Soil, 361(1), 257- 264, 2009. Doi: 10.1007/s11104-008-9777-z.
  120. Impact of growth and uptake patterns of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant phosphorus uptake—a modelling study A. Schnepf, T. Roose, P. Schweiger Plant and Soil, 312(1-2), 85-99, 2008. Doi: 10.1007/s11104-008-9749-3
  121. Mathematical models of plant-soil interaction T. Roose, A. Schnepf Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Physical Sciences, 366, 4597-4611, 2008. Invited by Professor Thompson FRS for Christmas 2008 issue “Visions of Young Scientists”. Doi: 10.1098/rsta.2008.0198
  122. Network development in biological gels: role in lymphatic vessel development T. Roose, A. C. Fowler Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70(6), 1772-1789, 2008. Doi: 10.1007/s11538-008-9324-3.
  123. 2007

  124. Growth model for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi A. Schnepf, T. Roose, P. Schweiger Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 5, 773-784, 2008. Doi:10.1098/rsif.2007.1250
  125. Transport kinetics of four and six co-ordinate platinum compounds in the multicell layer tumour model S. Modok, R. Scott, R. Alderden, M. D. Hall, H. R. Mellor, T. Roose, T. W. Hambley, R. Callaghan British Journal of Cancer, 97, 194-200, 2007. Doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6603854
  126. Mathematical models of avascular tumour growth T. Roose, S. J. Chapman, P. K. Maini SIAM Review, 49(2):179-208, 2007w.
  127. 2006

  128. The slow transport of vinblastNameine in tumour tissue models: is it a handicap or advantage? S. Modok, R. Scott, P. Hyde, H. Mellor, T. Roose, R. Callaghan European Journal of Cancer, 42(14): 2404-2413, 2006. Doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2006.05.020
  129. Verification and intercomparison of reactive transport codes to describe root-uptake B. Nowack, K. U. Mayer, S. E. Oswald, W. Van-Beinum, C. A. J. Appelo, D. Jacques, P. Seuntjens, F. Gérard, B. Jaillard, A. Schnepf, T. Roose Plant and Soil, 285(1-2):305-321, 2006. Doi: 10.1007/s11104-006-9017-3
  130. Modelling the contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to plant nutrient uptake A. Schnepf, T. Roose New Phytologist, 171(3):669-682, 2006.
  131. A mathematical model for simultaneous spatio-temporal dynamics of calcium and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells T. Roose, S. J. Chapman, P. K. Maini Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 68:2027-2051, 2006. Doi: 10.1007/s11538-006-9064-1
  132. Modelling the rhizosphere: a review of methods for ‘upscaling’ to the whole-plant scale P. R. Darrah, D. L. Jones, G. J. D. Kirk, T. Roose European Journal of Soil Science, 57:13-25, 2006.
  133. 2005

  134. Model concepts of metal uptake by plant roots from single root to field scale W. Loiskand, A. Schnepf, T. Roose, M. L. Himmelbauer, S. Klepsch Modelling and Simulation, 2005:251-255, 2005.
  135. 2004

  136. A mathematical model for water and nutrient uptake by roots T. Roose, A. C. Fowler Journal of Theoretical Biology, 228(2):173-184, 2004.
  137. A model for water uptake by plants T. Roose, A. C. Fowler Journal of Theoretical Biology, 228(2):155-171, 2004.
  138. 2003

  139. Solid stress generated by spheroid growth estimated using a linear poroelastNameisity model T. Roose, P. A. Netti, L. L. Munn, Y. Boucher, R. K. Jain Microvascular Research, 66: 204-212, 2003.
  140. 2001

  141. Mathematical model of plant nutrient uptake T. Roose, A. C. Fowler, P. R. Darrah Journal of Mathematical Biology, 42: 347-360, 2001.
  142. 2000

  143. The effect of population density on shoot morphology of herbs in relation to light capture by leaves T. Sekimura, T. Roose, B. Li, P. K. Maini, J. Suzuki, T. Hara Ecological Modelling, 128(1): 51-62, 2000.
  144. 1994

  145. Mathematical analysis of the sensitivity and stability of plant models T. Roose Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Ecology 4(1):1-33, 1994.

Book Chapters

  1. Plant soil interactions. Modelling T. Roose In „Encyclopedia of Agrophysics“ , Springer. Editor Jerzy Lipiec, 2010.
  2. Modelling the rhizosphere P. R. Darrah, T. Roose Chapter in “The Rhizosphere: Biochemistry and Organic Substances at Soil Plant Interface”, 2nd revised edition, Marcel-Dekker Inc., New York. Editors. R. Pinton, Z. Varanini, and P. Nannipieri, 331-370, 2007.
  3. Plant Nutrient Uptake; Single Root Scale T. Roose Method Sheet in the “Handbook of Methods in Rhizosphere Research”, Editors J. Luster and R. Finlay. Biemensdorf, Swiss Federal Research Institute, WSL, p. 503-504, 2006.
  4. Plant Nutrient Uptake (uptake by branching structures) T. Roose Method Sheet in the “Handbook of Methods Used in Rhizosphere Research”, Editors J. Luster and R. Finlay. Biemensdorf, Swiss Federal Research Institute, WSL, p. 505-506, 2006.
  5. Modelling the rhizosphere P. R. Darrah, T. Roose Chapter in “The Rhizosphere: Biochemistry and Organic Substances at Soil Plant Interface”, Marcel-Dekker Inc., New York. Editors R. Pinton, Z. Varanini, and P. Nannipieri, 2000.

Plenary and Keynote Talks

April 2021, Pan American Light Sources for Agriculture, Sirius synchrotron Campinas, Brazil. Plenary Keynote speaker on “Dynamics of Rhizosphere Processes”.

May 2021, International Society of Root Research Conference Plenary Speaker; this conference takes place every 4 years. This time it is in Missouri and online.

Oct 2020, 5th International Symposium on Image-based Systems Biology, Jena, Germany, Keynote Speaker

Sept 2020, Interpore Career Development Session Keynote Speaker and Panel member.

July 2019, Rhizosphere 5 Plenary Speaker, Saskatoon, Canada. Rhizosphere 5 is the main worldwide conference dedicated to plant-soil interaction and it takes place every 4 years. Hence it is a great honour to be a Plenary speaker on the subject of “Imaging and Modelling Plant-Soil Interaction”.

May 2019, Interpore 2019 Plenary Speaker, Valencia, Spain. Interpore is the largest conference in the world in the area of porous media science attended by thousands of delegates from across the world.

January 2019, Invited Speaker at Soil Science Society of America cross-divisional symposium on Coupled Soil Biogeochemical and Physical Processes across Scales at Soils across the latitudes meeting (joint meeting of the US, Canadian, and Mexican Soil Science Societies) in San Diego in January 6-9, 2019. This symposium is co-sponsored by three divisions of SSSA: Soil Physics and Hydrology, Soil Biology and Biochemistry and Pedology and presentation at this session was by invitation only.

July 2018 Plenary speaker at Society of Mathematical Biology annual conference in Sydney, Australia.

July 2018 World Congress of Biomechanics Keynote invited speaker at a session titled “Challenges of Working Across Scales in Patient- and Animal-Specific Cardiovascular Modeling” This conference is held once every 4 years and in 2018 it was in Dublin.

Feb 14-17 2018 Phenome 2018 Tuscon, Arizona US. Keynote speaker for the theme “Algorithms and Data Management for Phenotype Quantification and Analysis”.

Nov 2017 Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Keynote at the meeting titled “Plant Genomes & Biotechnology”.

April 2016: Kirkham conference Keynote speaker. International conference and this time it took place in Israel. This international conference takes place every 5 years and is a premier conference for latest developments in soil science.

Feb 2016: Bayer Crop Science's - Soil and Root Health Symposium at the headquarters campus of Bayer Crop Science at Monheim, Germany.

Nov 2016: Keystone Symposia Keynote speaker on Phytobiomes: From Microbes to Plant Ecosystems. Santa Fe, New Mexico.

July 2015: SEB annual conference in Prague keynote talk on the session “Plants roots: new challenges in a changing world”.

June 2015: Rhizosphere 2015 Plenary Keynote talk on plant-soil interaction.

June 2015: Royal Academy of Engineering, The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Royal Society personal invitation to attend “Science & Engineering Governance and Leadership” workshop in London.

June 2015: The Embassy of Spain to the United Kingdom and the Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK meeting on “Science Diplomacy: Best Practices and Mobility”.

Oct 2014: Lord Willis of Knaresborough Invitation - TRS Parliamentary

reception on engineering and manufacturing on 22nd October 4-6pm in the Pavilion Terrace House of Commons.

May 2014: Spanish Embassy and Royal Society personally invited member on the panel “Women and Science”.

Jan 2014: Guardian Higher Education Network expert panel representing engineering.

Feb 2013: BBSRC/NERC industry workshop (personal invitation only) on sustainable agriculture and food production.

July 2013: Invited Keynote talk at the Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting in Valencia 3-6 July 2-13.

Nov 28 2013: Royal Society, Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK and Ramon Arces Foundation Joint meeting at the Royal Society. Invited speaker on “Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, and the bioeconomy”.

Feb, 2012: Invited speaker at the inaugural Royal Society Research Fellowes conference.

June, 2011: Keynote speaker at “Microsoil II: Novel technologies, modelling and macroscopic impact”. Dundee June 14-15 2011.

April, 2011: Invited speaker in Geilo NATO Winter School titled “Cooperative Phenomena in Flows” organized by Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology. Invited speaker on “Flow in biological branching structures”.

March, 2011: Invited speaker on “Modelling in Rhizosphere” at BOKU workshop on “Mathematics and Rhizotechnologies: Rhizosphere Processes on Multiple Scales”.

Feb, 2011: Invited speaker on “Rhizosphere- – interface between plant and soil” at Biosciences Knowledge Transfer Network workshop titled “New paradigms for Crop and Soil Management” at the Linnean Society.

Feb-March, 2011: Invited speaker in the international workshop on “Estimating amount and fate of plant derived below-ground N” Hohenheim, Germany. Funded by the German Research Foundation. Invited by Professor Gunther Neumann.

Sept, 2009: Annual conference of the International Root Research Society on “Root Research and Applications”, Vienna. Invited keynote speaker on modeling plant-soil interaction.

June, 2009: Goldsmith Conference 2009 session on “Fungi and Biogeochemical Cycles” in Davos. Invited speaker for “Microbes Rock: Biogeochemical Activity and Biosignatures".

Sept, 2008: International WIMEK-NUPUS-PE&RC Workshop on “Roots- an interdisciplinary link” Invited speaker on “Modelling plant water and nutrient uptake”. Invited by Professor Klaas Metsalaar. Held at University of Wageningen.

July-August, 2008: Fields Institute, Canada. Invited all expenses (travel, accommodation and local) covered core group member for thematic program on “Mathematical and Quantitative Oncology”. I was one of the six scientists from worldwide chosen to be in the core group of “Multiphase and mechanical aspects of tumour physiology”.

July, 2008: Gordon Conference on “Flow and Transport in Permeable Media”, Magdalen College, Oxford. Invited speaker (one of the two) on a session titled “Transport in Biological Porous Media”. Invited by Professor Dani Or, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.

July, 2008: The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry Conference 2008, London. Invited minisymposia “Mathematics in agriculture and the impact on health” (MS03) speaker on “Mathematical modeling of plant nutrient uptake”.

May, 2008: Swdish University of Agriculatural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Invited speaker on “Modelling of fungal weathering and upscaling from the fungal tip to the ecosystem scale” at the Geomycology Workshop. Invited by Professor Anna Rosling and Professor Roger D. Finlay.

April, 2008: MMCOMNET Workshop on “Fungal Modelling”. Invited by Flordyce Davidson on subject “Multiscale modeling of plant nutrient uptake”.

June, 2007: Simula Research Laboratory, Centre for Biomedical Computing, Oslo, Norway. International Workshop on biomedical modeling. Invited speaker on poroelastNameic models in biology. Invited by Professor Hans Petter Langtangen and Dr. Malin Silkosi.

April, 2006: Society of Experimental Biology Annual Conference. Invited by Prof. D. Tomos, University of Wales, Bangor, to give an invited talk on water uptake by plants.

April, 2004: European COST Action 631 “Understanding and Modelling Plant-Soil Interactions In the Rhizosphere Environment” Meeting. Invited by Prof. B. Nowack, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich.

July, 2003: European Centre for Atomic and Molecular Computations, ESF/SIMU. Workshop on “Modelling Biomolecular Machines at Different Length and Time Scales”. Invited by Prof. A. Chakraborty, University of California, Berkley, USA (now at MIT) and Prof. D. Borgis, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.